About us

When the Columna's ideea was born, we was just few entusiatichs. Now, we have team members all over the country. We have respect from the sports federation and we tried to built a NAME. We can not promised, like others, many, but here you wil find a TEAM. For whom enter here just for visiting us, we told them:WELCOME! For there's wich enter to stay: WLCOME IN THE TEAM! WE ARE HONOURED TO HAVE YOU BY OUR SIDE!

Despre noi

Cand s-a nascut ideea "Columnei" in Dr.Tr.Severin, am plecat la drum doar cativa entuziasti. Astazi, clubul nostru are membrii in toata tara,se bucura de aprecierea federatiilor sportive, cautam sa devenim un NUME in sportul romanesc. Nu putem promite marea cu sarea cum fac altii, noi putem promite doar un spirit mereu vioi, o competitie cu noi insine si cu limitele umanului, fair-play si multa bunavointa. Celor ce intra sa ne viziteze le spunem: BINE ATI VENIT! Celor care intra cu gandul sa ramana, le spunem: BINE ATI VENIT IN ECHIPA! NE SIMTIM ONORATI SA VA AVEM ALATURI!

Sport Club Columna, Dr. Tr. Severin



Bine ati venit!


SEO Romania